Some names and phrases in Otherworldly may be unfamiliar to  some readers, so I have provided a guide to pronouncing some of them (as well as their language of origin, if it helps). I’ve also translated a few foreign terms I’ll be using throughout the story.

See a name or word you think needs to be on here? Did I myself screw up the pronunciation or language of origin (it’s happened before, trust me)? Let me know!


Sidhe: “SHEE”, Irish

Aelfric: “ALF-rick”, Anglo-Saxon

Melaina: “Mel-eh-nuh”, Greek

Gwynfrydd: “GWIN-frith”, Welsh

Fatima: “FAH-teh-muh”, Arabic

Karim: “Kuh-REEM”, Arabic

Monette: “MOH-net”, French

Fjell: “FYELL”, Norwegian

Bjørn: “BYUURN”, Norwegian/Danish

Eydís: “AY-dees”, Icelandic

Haerviu: “HAIR-view”, Celtic

Hilde: “HILL-duh”, German/Dutch



Einstøing: “EYE-n-stu-ing”, Norwegian

Tahlequah: “Tah-leh-kwah”, Cherokee

Annwn: “Ah-nuun”, Welsh



Cariad: “Cah-ree-add” Welsh; term of endearment